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eltner marketing services
Corporation for marketing GmbH
Neubaugasse 24, A-8020 Graz
Mobil +43 676 35 66 191

Company registration number: FN 227713y
Bank account: Steiermärkische Sparkasse
IBAN: AT09 2081 5202 0011 1167
UID-Nr.: ATU 58206505

Commercial register and business licence

Advertising agency and consulting
Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark

Liability note

All information is provided by the publisher in all conscience. Despite careful control of the content, we accept no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.


The contents of this website are copyrighted. All rights are reserved by the publisher. Texts, images, graphics, animations and videos from this website may not be used or reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of the publisher, unless the information or graphics etc. are expressly intended for further use or marked for further processing. Some of the web pages shown also contain images and texts that are subject to the copyright of those who created them.


Conception and design:
Kufferath – Agentur für Werbung und Informationsdesign

Consultancy corporate culture:
:und zwar – Heimo Lercher, Unternehmensberatung

Sirius Five Creative Lab, Tali Tormoche


Tourism Projekts
Activity area Murau ©Tom Lamm
Herbal paradise of the Gurk Valley ©Elias Jerusalem, ©Woche Kärnten
Holidays in the Alpine pastures of Austria ©Urlaub am Bauernhof
Future development strategy for the Weinstraße Weinviertel West ©Martin Lifka, ©Rainer Lichtenecker
Leisure and motion area Gleisdorf ©Michaela Begsteiger, ©TIP Gleisdorf
Bicycle traffic concept Burgenland ©Burgenland Tourismus
Danube gardens of  Lower Austria ©Andreas Hofer, ©Klaus Engelmayer
Mysterious Goertschitz Valley ©Elias Jerusalem
Multimodal through western Upper Styria ©Heribert Fladerer
Mountainbike masterplan of Eastern Styria ©TVB Joglland Waldheimat Ranger, ©Trail Land Miesenbach, Franz Faustmann
Masterplan of cycle tourism in Eastern Styria ©Oststeiermark Tourismus, Bergmann

Events und Promotions
Handelsmerkur Gala ©Harry Schiffer, ©Fischer
Lust for Life – Charity Gala ©Harry Schiffer
WEINstyle Gala © Aleksandar Zabunovic
10 years S-Bahn Gala ©Harry Schiffer

Climate and Energy Projects
E-bike system of Central Carinthia ©Tom Lamm
Redesign of the thematic road of solar energy ©Helmut Rabel, ©Stadtgemeinde Gleisdorf

Gerhard Wohlmuth ©Foto Fischer
Bernhard Schroeder ©Martina Siebenhandl
Folke Tegethoff ©Nikolaus Pfusterschmid

Team and Office:
©Michael Kainz – Kainz Pictures