Wolfgang Eltner

Wolfgang Eltner

His decades of experience in the tourism sector (e.g. as CEO of Styria Tourism) and his innate entrepreneurial spirit, prompted Wolfgang to take the step into self-employment at the beginning of this millennium. He founded ems with the ulterior motive to ​​establish a company dedicated to the implementation of sustainable tourism and mobility projects. A sure instinct and a practical view on project goals are not only an advantage in his management style, but also essential in long-term customer relationships. When he’s not in the office, the sporty Styrian can be found either on the golf course or on a sailing boat, somewhere between the islands of the Croatian coast. Wolfgang likes to emphasize that sailing thrives on the idea of ​​moving in harmony with nature, in contrast to overcoming nature with a motorboat. Sounds slightly philosophical, but reflects Wolfgang’s down-to-earth attitude, who is also a Qigong teacher.

Wolfgang Eltner

Wolfgang Eltner

His decades of experience in the tourism sector (e.g. as CEO of Styria Tourism) and his innate entrepreneurial spirit, prompted Wolfgang to take the step into self-employment at the beginning of this millennium. He founded ems with the ulterior motive to ​​establish a company dedicated to the implementation of sustainable tourism and mobility projects. A sure instinct and a practical view on project goals are not only an advantage in his management style, but also essential in long-term customer relationships. When he’s not in the office, the sporty Styrian can be found either on the golf course or on a sailing boat, somewhere between the islands of the Croatian coast. Wolfgang likes to emphasize that sailing thrives on the idea of ​​moving in harmony with nature, in contrast to overcoming nature with a motorboat. Sounds slightly philosophical, but reflects Wolfgang’s down-to-earth attitude, who is also a Qigong teacher.

Marco Eltner

Marco Eltner, BA

While studying communication sciences in Vienna, he already worked full-time in his father’s company. Today, Marco is the general manager and is responsible for promotions and events, but also works on energy projects when time permits. Marco laid the foundations for his entrepreneurial activities in his school days, even though he may not have suspected it at the time. The trigger was his great passion: music. As a teenager, he founded a band, marketed it and organized concerts during the holidays. If one had to describe Marco Eltner in just one sentence, it would perhaps be this: A gourmand and wine fan with an Italian soul, who values fashion and style and regularly walks or climbs mountains to keep fit. Marco finds relaxation either in Tuscany or while sailing in the Adriatic, preferably with his wife and dog Maider.

Marco Eltner

Marco Eltner, BA

While studying communication sciences in Vienna, he already worked full-time in his father’s company. Today, Marco is the general manager and is responsible for promotions and events, but also works on energy projects when time permits. Marco laid the foundations for his entrepreneurial activities in his school days, even though he may not have suspected it at the time. The trigger was his great passion: music. As a teenager, he founded a band, marketed it and organized concerts during the holidays. If one had to describe Marco Eltner in just one sentence, it would perhaps be this: A gourmand and wine fan with an Italian soul, who values fashion and style and regularly walks or climbs mountains to keep fit. Marco finds relaxation either in Tuscany or while sailing in the Adriatic, preferably with his wife and dog Maider.

Sonja Kamp

Hannah Schlatzer, MSc

During her Master’s degree in “Sustainable Urban and Regional Development” at the Karl-Franzens University in Graz, she was already part of our company and was able to gain a wide range of experience by working on various projects.
Today, Hannah manages projects in the fields of tourism, regional development, climate and energy. The West Styrian particularly appreciates activities in which her geography skills can be combined with her creativity and sense of sustainability.
In her private life, she is always on the lookout for new adventures. Whether climbing, hiking or traveling – with her open-minded and inquisitive nature, Hannah enjoys immersing herself in different cultures and learning from the people she encounters. Her sense of discovery is not only reflected in her leisure activities, but also in her way of working, where she is always open to new ideas and approaches.

Sonja Kamp

Hannah Schlatzer, MSc

During her Master’s degree in “Sustainable Urban and Regional Development” at the Karl-Franzens University in Graz, she was already part of our company and was able to gain a wide range of experience by working on various projects.
Today, Hannah manages projects in the fields of tourism, regional development, climate and energy. The West Styrian particularly appreciates activities in which her geography skills can be combined with her creativity and sense of sustainability.
In her private life, she is always on the lookout for new adventures. Whether climbing, hiking or traveling – with her open-minded and inquisitive nature, Hannah enjoys immersing herself in different cultures and learning from the people she encounters. Her sense of discovery is not only reflected in her leisure activities, but also in her way of working, where she is always open to new ideas and approaches.

Veronika Damm

Veronika Damm, MSc

With the latest member, another environmental systems scientist and geographer joins our midst.
At eltner marketing services, she can not only contribute with her experience from her master’s degree in Geospatial Technologies and LEADER (project) management to our tourism and regional development projects, but also live out her creative streak in graphic design.
Born in southern Styria, she likes to spend her free time outdoors: whether gardening, hiking or riding her racing bike. For a change, it can also be yoga at a room temperature of 38°C. And when time permits, she likes to sew for herself or her loved ones.

Veronika Damm

Veronika Damm, MSc

With the latest member, another environmental systems scientist and geographer joins our midst.
At eltner marketing services, she can not only contribute with her experience from her master’s degree in Geospatial Technologies and LEADER (project) management to our tourism and regional development projects, but also live out her creative streak in graphic design.
Born in southern Styria, she likes to spend her free time outdoors: whether gardening, hiking or riding her racing bike. For a change, it can also be yoga at a room temperature of 38°C. And when time permits, she likes to sew for herself or her loved ones.

Ulrike Spreitzer

Ulrike Lindbichler, MSc (on maternity leave)

For Ulrike, sustainability is not just an empty phrase, but an attitude towards life. This is also reflected in her mobility behavior – she cycles from Andritz to the office every day, regardless of the weather conditions. The environmental systems scientist already focused on the topic of mobility in her master’s thesis. At ems, she can not only apply this valuable knowledge practically to tourism and regional development projects, but also enriches the team with her sunny nature. In her free time, she either enjoys relaxing in pleasantly warm thermal water or prefers to go skiing or hiking in the alps. However, if there is a ski race at the weekend, the ski or hiking shoes can also be put aside. When it comes to vacation, the native Styrian loves trips to the far north or to Austria’s mountains.

Ulrike Spreitzer

Ulrike Lindbichler, MSc (on maternity leave)

For Ulrike, sustainability is not just an empty phrase, but an attitude towards life. This is also reflected in her mobility behavior – she cycles from Andritz to the office every day, regardless of the weather conditions. The environmental systems scientist already focused on the topic of mobility in her master’s thesis. At ems, she can not only apply this valuable knowledge practically to tourism and regional development projects, but also enriches the team with her sunny nature. In her free time, she either enjoys relaxing in pleasantly warm thermal water or prefers to go skiing or hiking in the alps. However, if there is a ski race at the weekend, the ski or hiking shoes can also be put aside. When it comes to vacation, the native Styrian loves trips to the far north or to Austria’s mountains.

Bürohund Maider


Since the future prospects for some dogs in animal shelters of southern Spain are not really pleasant, Marco Eltner took her to Styria in 2014. Since then she hasn’t left his side, not even in the ems office, unless one of the other employees has a fish-flavored treat for her. You don’t notice her fiery, Mediterranean temperament, at least her trusting look suggests that she is happy and satisfied with us. Maider is also a loyal companion for Marco and his wife in their leisure time, either active in the Upper Styrian nature or getting cozy by the sea. Her hobbies also include: being attentive, sleeping, being petted and chasing her own hind legs.

Bürohund Maider


Since the future prospects for some dogs in animal shelters of southern Spain are not really pleasant, Marco Eltner took her to Styria in 2014. Since then she hasn’t left his side, not even in the ems office, unless one of the other employees has a fish-flavored treat for her. You don’t notice her fiery, Mediterranean temperament, at least her trusting look suggests that she is happy and satisfied with us. Maider is also a loyal companion for Marco and his wife in their leisure time, either active in the Upper Styrian nature or getting cozy by the sea. Her hobbies also include: being attentive, sleeping, being petted and chasing her own hind legs.